I rather liked it at first; pleasantly violent and whatnot, but it was kind of disgusting towards the end.
- "Fiscis" is spelled "feces".
- "Twain" is an archaic word, therefore is out-of-place in this paragraph that contains fairly simple vocabulary.
- Though you may have meant something else by the "taste of copper", blood tastes like iron, not copper.
- "Cleaved" should be "clove" in the second sentence.
- If you want to keep the semicolon after "like it wasn't something he'd seen before;", change "the blood flowed" to "blood flowing".
- Don't use contractions, such as he'd, in a proper literary work; they are for speech and casual writing.
- Muscles don't "snap", tendons do. Muscles rip.
- You can just say "like a river", you don't need to compare it to water, as the majority of the time, it can be assumed that is what is flowing down a river.
- "All amongst" is not a proper use of "amongst" as amongst refers to being in a group or between something; "the place" is not specific enough to follow.
- When writing fantasies or roleplays, the majority of the time "ground" is replaced with "earth", if ground is being used as a noun.
I hope this is what you meant when you said to say something.